venerdì 28 marzo 2014

Office Chair: How to Reduce #Back Pain?

#physiotherapist #bristol #cheltenham

My name is Romyna Menendez , I was born in Perù and grew up in Italy where I studied Physiotherapy at the Sapienza University of Rome.
Thanks to my studies in Physiotherapy I learnt various therapy techniques such as: manipulation; how to improve the range of motion; therapeutic massage (i.e., deep tissue massage) and lymphatic drainage. I further specialized in chronic lower back pain, geriatric physiotherapy, the Mezieres method, taping, pre-post spine surgery, tecartherapy, and the Feldenkrais method.
I worked for 8 years at the Israelite Hospital of Rome in the geriatric department where I treated all the conditions associated with advanced age such as osteoporosis, senile dementia, joint replacement, and limited mobility. Moreover, I collaborated for 3 years with the acknowledged Italian Professor of Orthopedics, Dr Giuseppe Costanzo, providing Feldenkrais treatment to his patients. During these years I treated patients of all ages (children, teenagers, adults and seniors) and various professional, athletic, performance, and life sectors, including: business professionals, outdoor enthusiasts, dancers, home makers, skiers, runners, dressage horseback riders, rock climbers and hikers, alternative medicine practitioners.

Feldenkrais therapy
The Feldenkrais method is a neuro-muscular therapy that promotes unprecedented improvements in the efficiency coordination and ease of body movements. It is beneficial for people seeking to improve their general well-being and for people with specific conditions, such as: muscular skeletal problems (e.g., chronic back- and neck pain, sciatica); neuro muscular disorders (e.g., stroke, spinal injury, cerebral palsy); repetitive strain syndrome and stress related to past or present trauma. It also helps to eliminate movement restrictions and aids in effortless breathing.
The Feldenkrais method includes two ways of working with people:
FUNCTIONAL INTEGRATION: a one-to-one approach which uses gentle touch in guiding your movements delicately as you lie or sit.
AWARENESS THROUGH MOVEMENT: a sequence of exercises which are verbally directed by the practitioner and explore by the students on their own.

mercoledì 12 marzo 2014

15 Tips for Preventing Osteoporosis #physiotherapist #Bristol

Osteoporosis can be a devastating disease, but the good news is that it’s preventable. Here are some steps you can take to decrease your risk:
Your Diet
  • Drink your milk. Low-fat and skim milk, nonfat yogurt, and reduced-fat cheeses (except cottage cheese) are healthy sources of the calcium you need to build strong bones. Fortified milk products also have the vitamin D needed for proper calcium absorption.
  • Go fish. Canned sardines and salmon, eaten with their bones, are also rich in calcium. Mackerel and other oily fish are rich in vitamin D.
  • Eat greens with gusto. Leafy green vegetables have lots of calcium, plus the potassium and vitamin K you need to block calcium loss from bones. Fill up on broccoli, bok choy, kale, Swiss chard, and turnip greens. Bananas also supply a potassium boost.
  • Don’t overdo protein. High protein intake can raise your excretion of calcium. Limit yourself to the RDA of 50 grams daily for women, 63 grams for men. Many Americans eat twice that much.
  • Limit caffeine. Limit your caffeine intake to the equivalent of three cups of coffee a day, since caffeine causes the body to excrete calcium more readily.
  • Eat your onions. In male rats, those fed one gram of dry onion daily experienced a 20% reduction in the bone breakdown process that can lead to osteoporosis — slightly more than with the drug calcitonin.
Your Exercise Plan
  • Get with the program. A regular program of weight-bearing exercise helps stop further bone loss and may be one of the few ways to build bone as you age. By improving your posture, balance, and flexibility, it also reduces your risk of falls that can break fragile bones. Exercise for at least 30 minutes three times a week. Try walking, running, weight lifting, stair climbing, tennis, or volleyball. Swimming won’t do; your bones and muscles must work against gravity for a bone-building effect.
Medical Options
  • Test your bones. Bone-density tests are the only way to predict your fracture risk and definitively nail down a diagnosis of osteoporosis. All women over 65 should be scanned, as well as younger postmenopausal women with one or more osteoporosis risk factors. Some doctors recommend that women have a baseline scan at menopause. When repeated at intervals of a year or more, the scans can determine your rate of bone loss and help monitor prevention and treatment efforts. Most experts recommend a dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) test.
  • Get measured. Ask your doctor to measure your height on an annual basis. A loss of one or two inches is an early sign of undiagnosed vertebral fractures and osteoporosis.
  • Seek treatment. Confer with your doctor about conditions that can threaten bone density and what countermeasures you may need. Conditions include hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, certain intestinal and kidney disorders, and certain cancers.
  • Choose calcium. Both women and men need 1,000 mg of elemental calcium a day during midlife. The need rises to 1,500 to 2,000 mg daily after menopause in women and after age 65 in men. Most people don’t get enough in their diets, so supplements are recommended. Because the body can absorb only a limited amount of calcium at once, take supplements in two or three doses during the day, preferably with meals. Make sure the supplement contains vitamin D, which facilitates the absorption of calcium.
Lifestyle Factors
  • Quit smoking. Among 80-year-olds, smokers have up to 10% lower bone-mineral density, which translates into twice the risk of spinal fractures and a 50% increase in risk of hip fracture. One in eight hip fractures in women is linked to long-term cigarette use. What’s more, fractures heal slower in smokers, and are more apt to heal improperly.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol. Too much alcohol prevents your body from absorbing calcium properly. Limit yourself to one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men.
  • Don’t let depression linger. Depression causes your body to produce cortisol, a stress-related hormone that saps minerals from bones. One study showed that women with clinical depression had lower bone densities in their hips and spines. So see a doctor or therapist for treatment.

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giovedì 6 marzo 2014


La rieducazione posturale comprende tutti gli insegnamenti volti all'educazione della corretta postura.

La postura definisce la posizione del nostro corpo nello spazio in ogni momento, sia nella situazione statica sia dinamica.

La postura è il risultato di un equilibrio strutturale e funzionale messo in atto dal nostro sistema muscolo-scheletrico.
Un'alterazione di questo equilibrio ne causa inevitabilmente una modificazione che, a lungo andare, può portare a una situazione di sofferenza fisica (mal di schiena, sciatalgie, cervicale e altri dolori).

Il fisioterapista valuta il paziente nei suoi movimenti e nei suoi atteggiamenti statici, e stila un programma di rieducazione posturale personalizzato, basato sul rinforzo e sull'allungamento di determinati gruppi muscolari, sulla respirazione e su esercizi statici e dinamici.

Una corretta rieducazione posturale e i giusti consigli pratici porteranno il paziente a correggere, giorno dopo giorno, gli errori commessi nella quotidianità, migliorandone la qualità della vita.

mercoledì 5 marzo 2014

How to Correct Your Posture #physiotherapist

What is posture?  

Posture is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or laying down. Good posture involves training the body to stand, walk, sit and lie in positions where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments.
Good Posture makes you look great, feel more energetic and project confidence. It also helps prevent injury and reduce pain.
We all want good posture... but it can be so hard to achieve if you have poor posture. That's because acquiring good posture involves not only learning new movements and positions, but changing life-long habits as well.

How to Correct Your Posture
Just knowing how to correct your posture is not enough to achieve a change in your actual habit. Our body uses learnt motor patterns to perform everyday activities. When we sit, stand, walk or move - our body follows previously learnt motor patterns. If your body has learned to slouch - that's what it will do. 

Posture Assessment
The first step to discovering how to correct your posture is to have your posture type assessed. Your physiotherapist is an expert at posture assessment.
Your physiotherapist is the ideal health professional to identify your posture style and provide you with hands-on treatment, posture correction exercises and helpful home products for you to achieve great posture again!

And… you're never too old to start. It just gets harder to change your old ways.

If you need posture correction advice, please contact your physiotherapist.
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