sabato 7 marzo 2015

Romyna Menendez #physiotherapist #Bristol #NHS #Hospital


NIN: SR 382118C

04/2015  Physiotherapist, Emersons Green  Community NHS Hospital. Bristol, England

10/2014 Physiotherapist, Shepton Mallet Community NHS Hospital. England.

02/2014 Senior Physiotherapist, Practitioner Feldenkrais method® and touchpro method,  11, Regent Street Cheltenham.
02/2006 – 08/2013: Therapist at “Israelite  Hospital of Rome”  -Geriatric Department.
Diseases treated: Stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson, osteoarthritis, cancer, cardiac and pulmonary diseases. Alzheimer, dementia, coordination and balance disorders, joint replacements,  hip fractures,  functional limitations related to mobility , orthopaedic or sports injuries. I worked with people individually and in groups, with exercises to improve a person’s coordination, muscles strength, flexibility, teaching them to exercise on their own. I worked with manual therapy to improve the person’s circulation and restore mobility. This therapy includes manipulation of the person, as well as massage and Lymphatic Drainage.  I used to work  with  other health care providers to coordinate the person’s care.
10/2011 – 04/2013: Therapist at “Villa clinica del Rosario” –Prof Giuseppe Costanzo.
Diseases treated: Pre-Post spine surgery, neck and lower back pain, hip and knee replacement.I worked with people individually, improving their movements with stretching and a range of motion exercises, pain-relief exercises, low impact aerobic conditioning and manipulation. I also worked in educating patients on the principles of stretching, proper posture and ergonomic principles to preserve the spine. Moreover, I taught them how to maintain new postures and prevent future re-occurrences.
06/2010 – 06/2011: Therapistat“Studio di Terapia Fisica e Riabilitazione Fonte”
Diseases treated: Pre-Post spine surgery, neck and lower back pain, hip and knee replacement, scoliosis in children.
I worked with people individually, using Electro therapy techniques including ultrasound, trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and tecartherapy.
01/2005 – 02/2006: Therapistat “Studio di Terapia Fisica e Riabilitazione Lab delle Valli - Sanem Group”
Diseases treated: Pre-Post spine surgery, neck and lower back pain, hip and knee replacement, I worked with people individually, improving their movement by stretching and a range of motion exercises, pain-relief exercises, low impact aerobic conditioning, and manipulation. I also used Electrotherapy techniques including ultrasound, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and tecartherapy.

2-3 february 2015 Introduction to thermoplastic splinting, London, UK  Conducted by Nicola Goldsmith
15-16 march 2014 :  “touchpro ® UK :    Seated Acupressure Techniques. Course Instructor:  Alisdair Burcher
18-19 may 2013: “Schiena Libera” Prato, Florence. How to keep your back free of pain, conducted by Isabella Turino.
23 October 2010: Rehab Latarjet “Luci e ombre” Rome – Seraphicum Auditorium conducted by Dr. Di Giacomo
2009: Diploma of Lymphatic Drainage Manual “Vodder” method, finished in Rome conducted by Vittorio Becci, Israelite Hospital,  Rome.
2009: “Ossa Per la Vita” (bones for Life) the dynamics of the movement, is essential to stimulate the generation of bone tissue, with Isabella Turino in Prato Italy. (
2008: Ingenious Alternatives for specifics dysfunctions: Basic procedures efficient. Improvement course of Feldenkrais method conducted by Ruthy Alon in Florence Italy.
2005-2008: Posturology Feldenkrais Method, four Years, in Florence Italy, organized by the International Feldenkrais Federation, conducted by Ruthy Allon from Israel
2005: Shoulder impingement and instability pattern recognition and management in Rome conducted by Mark Jones
2003-2004: Postural Re-education Mézieres, two years, Scuola Cittone I e II Stage, Rome
2001-2004: Degree in Physical Therapy at “Universita Degli Studi La Sapienza”  II facoltà di Medicina Thesis in VERTEBRAE, Comparison of Different Therapeutic Approaches
1996-2001: High School Diploma at “Istituto Tecnico Statale di Edmondo de Amicis”  - Technician in Dental Prostheses.  Rome Italy.
Voluntary experience
2010 – 2012 Member of Very Special Arts Italy (VSA) Association promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the arts, education and culture around the world: Theater director assistent  (Reference Maria Luisa Sinibaldi)
Other competencies
Languages: native speaker of Spanish, extremely fluent in Italian, upper intermediate skills in English and basic language skills in French.
IT skills: proficient in Microsoft Office and internet

European driver licence

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