Manual lymphatic drainage is also called MLD. This is a special type of massage that reduces swelling from lymphoedema. There are different types of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) including Vodder, Leduc, Földi and Casley-Smith. You should only have MLD from someone who has been trained in one of these types.
The aim of the massage is to move fluid from the swollen area into an area where the lymphatic system is working normally. To do this the person massaging you first massages and clears the area they want the fluid to drain into. It might seem strange to have them massage your chest and neck if you have lymphoedema in your arm. But it means that the fluid has somewhere to drain to when they massage your arm.
You usually lie down to have massage. But if you have lymphoedema in your head and neck, you sit up.
When you have the massage you feel a gentle pressure. It is not a deep massage. If it is too deep it won’t work because it flattens the small lymph vessels so that the fluid can’t drain. The movements are slow and rhythmic so the lymph vessels open up.
You may have MLD daily from Monday to Friday, or 3 times a week, for about 3 weeks. The number of treatments varies depending on the type of MLD you have and what you need. Your specialist will also take into account the amount of swelling you have.
The aim of the massage is to move fluid from the swollen area into an area where the lymphatic system is working normally. To do this the person massaging you first massages and clears the area they want the fluid to drain into. It might seem strange to have them massage your chest and neck if you have lymphoedema in your arm. But it means that the fluid has somewhere to drain to when they massage your arm.
You usually lie down to have massage. But if you have lymphoedema in your head and neck, you sit up.
When you have the massage you feel a gentle pressure. It is not a deep massage. If it is too deep it won’t work because it flattens the small lymph vessels so that the fluid can’t drain. The movements are slow and rhythmic so the lymph vessels open up.
You may have MLD daily from Monday to Friday, or 3 times a week, for about 3 weeks. The number of treatments varies depending on the type of MLD you have and what you need. Your specialist will also take into account the amount of swelling you have.
A major cause of cellulite buildup is decreased lymph circulation. Lymph contains white blood cells and helps to flush the fluid waste from the body, and supplies the cells with the nutrition they require. Circulating lymph means healthy white blood cells, the precursor to a healthy immune system. If it does not move freely through the body, toxins and fat deposits continue to build up and cells are deprived of their nutrition, eventually resulting in cellulite. So, to eliminate cellulite, the first step is to get the lymph moving, which also ensures that all waste fluids are thrown out of the body. Lymphatic drainage, a special kind of massage, can be employed to remove cellulite and stimulate the circulation of lymph
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